New to Caya?
At Caya you will experience:
a warm and peaceful studio space with natural sunlight and soft wall sconce lighting.
a supportive and FUN community of like-minded individuals committed to "living their yoga".
highly educated, friendly teachers who will give you the personalized attention and insightful cues that fit your needs.
an in person class size limit of 15 plus the teacher, to allow for true community feel, as well as safe spacing during your class.
compassionate and thoughtfully planned classes.
a commitment of sanitization after every class by all of the teachers, you can feel secure that personal safety is of foremost concern!
convenient scheduling embedded in the website and credit card payment options through Stripe.
emailed newsletters with Safe Unsubscribe, as well as updates and interesting & positive yoga information shared on social media.
Just getting started?
Here are some helpful tips for classes:
We do ask for any important health/medical concerns when you schedule each class, as these things can change. This question as well as personal consent to practicing at your own risk is included with each class scheduling.
Please remove your shoes when you enter the door as our classes are done in bare feet. Not only does removing shoes keep the studio more hygienic, it also signifies leaving your worldly cares behind. There are small areas with benches, hooks, & carpeting at both entrances for you to leave shoes, coats, umbrellas, and any other belongings not needed for class.
We will ask you to listen to your body, as you are your best teacher. At Caya, we honor the body as the container for our spirit. You should not feel pain while practicing, especially in your joints. If you experience discomfort or have a question, our teachers want to help you…ask them for support.
If taking class in person, you MUST preregister through the website, there are no walk ins at this time.
Wearing a mask into and out of the studio is your personal choice. We trust that our community will be respectful and conscientious of one another’s well-being.
Plan to arrive to class no more than 15 minutes early to respect your teachers space.
Occasionally you may need to leave prior to the end of class. Clear your space quietly and please leave before closing savasana (relaxation) or meditation.
There is a hot and cold water cooler available for your use at the studio so plan to bring a container with a lid to use at your mat during practice. *we do offer complimentary teas, and reusable mugs.
Turn off your cell phone. Please make a habit of doing this as you get to the yoga studio.